Oh Sound! – It’s Sound City 2014 (1st – 3rd May)

1 min read

What’s that coming over the hill! Is it a monster? Is it a monster! Yes a bigSound City 2014 hairy vibrating beast called Sound City 2014! Are you going? You really should be moving your feet towards this mammoth beat next week. So much smashing music on offer to play foo foo with your ears. All encased in some of Liverpool’s most splendid venues, scattered across the city like fallen prize winning conkers. Starting Thursday (1st May 2014), through to Saturday Sound City 2014 brings you many different genres of music and creativity. For the first time ever at Sound City there will be a wonderful record fair, giving you the opportunity to buy some classic rare vinyl or maybe some ABBA for your disco nights(don’t knock it).  You can even check out some dodgy tackles at the John Peel World Cup or head into Buskers Corner.

But Sound City is all about the music (name kind of gives that away). So Sound City 2014many talented bands and artists on show this year; it would be foolhardy of us to tell you who you should go an see (we will leave that to the ‘serious’ music press). Instead, check out the schedule right here, have a browse through the bands playing, check out their info, give them a Google and take a listen. Music is all about discovery and path so we much rather you decide who you go and see!

We will be in full attendance this year, our piglets out in full reviewing force. Grab a ticket here, you will thank yourself (or something similar) for doing so.




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